Sunday, August 4, 2013

Light the Night

        I think I have avoided writing blogs for my last 4 appearances because I have been in denial about the fact that my time as Miss Kool-Aid Days was very quickly coming to an end. Now that my time is up, I feel I should share a little bit about my last few appearances and my last night as Miss Kool-Aid Days - which means there will be a fairly quick succession documenting my last few weeks representing the "Koolest" title in the state.
      July 13th I was able to attend the Omaha Owl Ride, a nighttime bike ride benefiting the Meyer Foundation for Disabilities. I was really excited to attend the ride as some of my fondest memories of volunteering have been at events for the Special Olympics and hearing loss groups.
With the director of the Munroe Meyer Institute
      I started my evening by helping with registration. It was great because I got to see people who dressed up and I got to see bikes that people decorated. The walk had a theme of Light the Night, so riders dressed in bright clothes and decorated themselves and their bikes with lights. It was great to see people getting into it.
Light up Mohawks!
      I also got to meet a young woman who works at the Munroe Meyer Institute. While I thought I knew exactly what the Institute was, I was wrong. The institute does not simply work with individuals who have disabilities, but they also do research and provide services for families who are dealing with special needs that they might need to learn about. As I consider the institute after passing on my title, I think it is one that I would love to volunteer at on a regular basis!
With my fellow volunteers :)
      After spending time with the lovely ladies pictured above, I had the opportunity to go to the stage, talk a little bit about my title and the Kool-Aid Days festival, and help judge a bike decorating contest! I never in my wildest dreams would have imagined that Miss Kool-Aid Days would provide an opportunity for me to judge a bike contest, but I'm glad it did. It was awesome to see the different bikes that people had decorated - some had simple lights on the bike, some took it farther and integrated lights in their clothing, and one guy even got lights that projected a lane on the ground! The winning entry though was a set of friends who went all out, decorating their bikes and dressing up as Owls!
      Before I finished up my duties for the evening, I watched the start of the ride. I'm so happy I stayed to do so, because I learned about the leaders of the ride. The ride was led by a group of tandem bikes housing one rider and one individual with a disability. It seemed so appropriate that those who were being supported by the ride, and probably those most likely to enjoy it, got to lead it. I was fortunate enough to meet one of the young riders who was incredibly sweet!
      I am so thankful I was able to attend the event and learn about the Meyer Foundation and the Munroe Meyer Institute! I sincerely hope to work with them in the future!

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