Sunday, April 21, 2013

Papillion La Vista High School - For Real!

     This past Friday I finally made it to Papillion La Vista High School to talk to students about hearing loss before prom! I assumed my visit would be very similar to my visit to Papio South the week before, so I prepared my things in the same way.
    When I got to the school, I was able to set up all of my information at a table, but it was in the commons area rather than the lunch room.
    Due to the setup, I remained at the table to pass out information, rather than walking around. I was surprised by how many students stopped by to chat with me without me having to pull them over. So many people stopped by to chat in fact, that I actually ran out of Kool-Aid and ear plugs after the first of three lunches!
    This meant that I spent the second and third lunches approaching groups of students as they waited to head back to class. I feel that I reached so many students at Papillion La Vista because they were interested and willing to come chat with me, but also because I walked around and engaged a lot of them. At one point, in order to get my message out, I even walked into the center of a rather large group and told them all to listen up. Not only were the students willing to listen, but they even asked a lot of questions! It was great to see students who were so friendly and engaged.
    Overall, I would say the visit was a success and I feel so blessed that they were willing to have me come out and talk to the students before prom! I even met a young girl who inspired me. She approached me and without saying anything, looked over my board. I started explaining why I was there and as I finished up, she started to gesture. Excitedly I asked if she knew sign language. Her response confused me at first - she lifted her glove and pointed her palm at me. Then I noticed it read "Day of Silence." This young girl was pledging to remain silent for a day in honor of gay, bi, and transgender people who have come to harm.
    Her confidence and passion warmed my heart - it always makes me happy to meet people who are kind and have love in their hearts!

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